I was pleasantly surprised to read that even able-to-afford-all-the-help-in-the-world people like Gwyneth Paltrow struggle with the demands of motherhood, work, and social life obligations. Sometimes it is tempting to think that when you have tons of money and any kind of help you desire as close as your touch-screen mobile phone, then life is breezy. Chores can be delegated to hired help so you can spend quality time with your children, and the children can be cared for so you can spend time taking care of you. Apparently, it isn't that simple...for any of us.
Still, when you don't have all that money or access to help and your work schedule is rigid, demanding, and grueling most weeks of the year--as opposed to that one big job you do over the course of 2 months or so each year--the struggle consumes a great deal of the quality of your life. It eats into your peace of mind, rest, exercise, eating habits, focus, productivity, availability to loved ones, and attention to your own needs.
So, while there is a certain amount of comfort in knowing that nobody is fully exempt from experiencing the challenge of managing a full load of life, it is also important to remember that the degree to which that challenge effects us varies widely.