Friday, April 16, 2010

Glimpsing Mortality

One jolting aspect of my daily commute is that I often see the aftermath of collisions along the route. This morning I drove past a horrific scene that surely no driver could have survived--although, miracles do happen.

An old pontiac sedan had barrelled into the back end of a tractor trailer and the impact forced the car so far underneath the truck that the hood and roof were scraped all the way back, beyond the front seat. The rear of the truck, seemingly intact, was where the legs of a would-be back seat passenger might have been.

So many lives are lost or changed immeasurably in a matter of heart goes out to those people and their families. And every time I see evidence of these events, I think of my own family--my children and my husband, especially--and quietly vow never to let my attention be diverted from my job when driving. Not even for a second.

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